Upper Austria was Anton Bruckner‘s home. He was  born in Ansfelden in 1824 and was musically socialised, promoted, and trained at the Monastery in the neighboring town of St. Florian. In Linz, he developed to become an acclaimed organ improviser and a composer with an unmistakable tonal language. His music can be heard here today in the renowned concert hall that bears his name. It is played here by the orchestra named after him and is taught and researched here at a university to which he is the name giver.

His milestone birthday provides a welcome opportunity to jointly present Upper-Austrian culture in all its diversity. It finds its expression in numerous Bruckner-themed projects, on squares and in places, villages and cities, all over Upper Austria.

as of now: Anton Bruckner 2024 - celebrate with us!

The Bruckner exhibition at the Upper Austrian KulturEXPO HOW IT ALL BEGAN. BRUCKNER'S VISIONS at St. Florian Abbey is open until October 27, 2024. Further information on visiting the exhibition and booking a guided tour can be found here.

Coming up next:


The Bruckner Space

Anton Bruckner Map Anton Bruckner Map

On September 4, 1824, Anton Bruckner was born in Ansfelden as the first of eleven children. Bruckner comes from our state, which he never completely left, and which never totally left him, even when he spent the last decades of his life in Vienna, the metropolis on the Danube. Few world-class composers have their roots in rural settings. Bruckner grew up here between Kyrie calls and Landler steps, dance floors and church towers, hills and forests. Bruckner is one of ours but does not belong to us. His music belongs to the whole world and is played and heard all over the globe. Bruckner is more than Upper Austria, from where he set out. He is a world, but he comes from a place: “Locus iste” — which means nothing other than “this place.”

With Bruckner through the year

To the Dates

Set box: Logo & Co. for co-designers:inside

A successful festival requires many people to join in the celebrations and help shape the festival with enthusiasm. This is how it should and will be in 2024. Art and culture professionals of all genres, styles, and disciplines, as well as cultural initiatives, educational institutions, and all other interested parties, are cordially invited to publicly engage with the life, work, and legacy of Anton Bruckner — and thus to help shape the program of Anton Bruckner 2024.

You are also welcome to use the official logo, the vignette, the lettering and the colors of the jubilee year. If you would like to make use of this, please contact marketing.bruckner2024@ooe.gv.at

Anton Bruckner 2024 Logo Collection Anton Bruckner 2024 Logo Collection

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